Programme > Papiers par présentateur > Marbuah George

Economic Activity, Species Occurrence and Spread: Evidence from Satellite Imagery Data
George Marbuah  1@  
1 : Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences  (SLU)  -  Site web
P.O. Box 7013, 750 07, Uppsala -  Suède

In this paper, we address ecological and economic aspects in invasive species occurrence and spread. Specifically, we quantify the relative importance of the two factors driving the probability of occurrence of the aquatic invasive species Elodea canadensis Michx. across lakes in Sweden. We use satellite imagery to generate nighttime lights data as a proxy for economic activities to match ecological data on occurrences of the species at the catchment scale. A spatial probit model is used to explain the probability and dispersal of the species in lakes. With specific focus on the predictive ability of nighttime light on the invasion phenomenon, we find a robust positive relationship between economic activity and exotic aquatic invasion. This relationship is significantly characterized by spatial dependence.

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